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Butterflies of Nepal - (2) FDC
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Price : 4.99 US$
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Country : Nepal
Year : 2009
Theme(s)/Topic(s) : Butterflies, Insects
Nepal : Butterflies of Nepal (2) FDC 2009.

1) Idaides Cloanthus Cloanthus (Westwood 1841)
2) Menelaides helenus helenus (Linnaeus 1758)
3) Papilio machaon (Linnaeus 1758)
4) Parnassius hardwickei (Gray 1831)
5) Pamassius adestis (Grum Grshimailo 1981)
6) Deoris nomius nomius (Esper 1758)
7) Polyura athamus athamus {Sw'mhoe 1886)
8) Gonepteryx rfiamm (Linnaeus) nepalensis (Doubleday 1847)
9) Kaniska canace canace (Linnaeus 1763)
10) Euploea mulciber mulciber (Cramer 1777)
11) Heliophorus androcles (Doubleday and Hewitson)
12) Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus) nepalensis (Double day 1846)
13) Papilio demoleus demoleus (Linnaeus 1758)
14) Ixias pyrene (Linnaeus 1764)
15) Aulocera padma padma (Kollar 1844)
16) Danaus genutia (Cramer 1779)
Item Specification
Date of Issue : October 8th, 2009 | Type : Official | Color : Multicolor
1) Classy Blue Bottle - Idaides cloanthus cloanthus (Westwood 1841) - Wing Span: 55-70 mm
A common butterfly which flies between the elevations of 670 m to 2245 m, it appears year round except winter months. It is a fast flier and its larva feeds upon the plant called machilus odoratissima (Nees) of the family Lauraceae. Besides Nepal, this butterfly also extends its range to Taiwan, China, North India and Sumatra.

2) Red Helen - Menelaides helenus helenus (Linnaeus 1758) - Wing Span: 94 to 115 mm
A common butterfly recorded up to an elevation of 1600 m. It appears in March to November. This species also extends its range to India, Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

3) Common Yellow Swallowtail - Papilio machaon (Linnaeus 1758) Wing Span: 65 - 75 mm
It is Common throughout the country. Its range is extended from 1755 m to 4610 m of elevation. This butterfly appears from May to November. It is also found in many countries besides Nepal.

4) Common Blue Apollo - Parnassius hardwickei (Gray 1831) Wing Span: 35 - 55 mm
A common Apollo which generally flies between the elevations of 2725 to 4695 m in the Himalayas. This butterfly was first described from Nepal. Its larva feeds on Saxifraga plant. Besides Nepal, it extends its distributional range to the higher elevations of India.

5) Bandel Apollo - Pamassius adestis (Grum Grshimailo 1981) Wing Span: 45 - 65 mm
its report so far comes from west Nepal. It is a rare butterfly which flies between the elevations of 4695 m to 5240 m in Nepal Himalayas. This butterfly is on wing from June to August. Besides Nepal, it extends its range to India, China and Russia.

6) Spot Swordtail - Deoris nomius nomius (Esper 1758) Wing Span: 60 - 66 mm
A lowland butterfly appears generally in March to August. Its larva feeds upon plants like Saccopetalum tomentosum Hook f. and Polyathia longifolia. This species is also found in other countries.

7) Swinhoe's Nawab - Polyura athamus athamus (Swinhoe 1886) Wing Span: 45 - 55 mm
A moderately Common butterfly which flies in lowland to 1695 m. March and November are the best months for its flight. Besides Nepal, it is also distributed to India, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and China.

8) Common Brimstone - Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus) nepalsnsis (Doubleday 1847) Wing Span: 50 - 55 mm
A common butterfly which covers an altitudinal range of 600 m to 3788 m and appears in March to October. Its larva feeds upon the plant called Rhammus sps. Its extends its range to many countries.

9) Blue Admiral - Kaniska canace canace (Linnaeus 1763) Wing Span: 56 - 65 mm
A common butterfly with an altitudinal range of 300 m to 2575 m, appears from March to December. Beside Nepal, this butterfly also extends its range to Japan, Korea, Burma, India, China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

10) Striped Blue Crow - Euploea mulciber mulciber (Cramer 1777) Wing Span: 80 - 91 mm
A fairly common butterfly which appears generally in March to November. Besides Nepal, it is also distributed to India, Burma, and Philippines etc.

11) Green Sapphire - Heliophorus androcles (Doubleday and Hewitson) Wing Span: 32 - 34 mm
This butterfly can commonly be observed at 1310 to 3670 m of elevation. March to October are the best months for its flight. This can also be found in other countries like India, China, Burma and Bhutan.

12) Large Cabbage White - Pieris brassicae (Linnaeus) nepalensis (Double day 1846) Wing Span: 60-65 mm
Very common throughout country, its report has been made from Terai to 3970 m of elevation. This butterfly appears all year round except the month of January. It extends its range to many countries of the world.

13) Lime Swallow Tail - Papilio demoleus demoleus (Linnaeus 1758) Wing Span: 65-70 mm
A fairly common butterfly which can be seen up to an elevation of 1400 m. It apperars all year round and extends its range to many countries besides Nepal.

14) Yellow Orange Tip - Ixias pyrene (Linnaeus 1764) Wing Span: 43 - 65 mm
Common Butterfly. It occurs over Terai to 1520 m of elevation. Generally appears in January to November. Besides Nepal, it also extends its range to India, China, and Sri-Lanka etc.

15) Great Satyr - Aulocera padma padma (Kollar 1844) Wing Span: 75 - 85 mm
Generally a rare butterfly appears within the altitudinal limits of 1215 - 3640 m in June end to September. Besides Nepal it is also found in India and China.

16) Common Tiger - Danaus genutia (Cramer 1779) Wing Span: 54 - 80 mm
Common Butterfly, Generally flies between the elevations of lowland to 2640 m. Appears year round except winter months. It is also distributed to other countries besides Nepal.
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